Archbold Refuse Service picks up trash according to image to the right. Tags must be purchased from the Village Office, Community Market, First Federal, or The State Bank and attached to each bag. Tags are sold in packs of ten tags for $27.50. Customers may use up to 30-gallon bags. Each bag must be tagged.
***The current Village yellow tags will only be accepted through March 1, 2025, after said date ARS tags must be purchased at the Village Office.
4th of July, Labor Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day will affect the pick up day by one day for 2025. Recyclables are picked up free of charge at the curb if you have an ARS recycling bin and will follow the pick up schedules shown on the right hand image. Materials include: newspaper, plastics (#1, #2), steel, and aluminum.
You may contact Archbold Refuse Service at 419.445.5391.
Large items may be disposed of by use of large colored tags available from the Village Office for $5.00 and $10.00 depending on the item to be disposed.