Brush collection for the residents and businesses of the Village shall be limited to that of normal property maintenance by the owner of the property. Brush produced as a result of lot or land clearing activities or the use of outside contractors will not be collected by the Village.
Brush will be collected on the second Monday of each month, April to October and weather permitting on the second Monday of each month, November to March. (Residents must call to verify if service is being performed during the winter months)
Branches shall be placed with the cut ends all together and facing the same direction, stacked in piles not to exceed four (4’) feet in height. If necessary, the entire length of the boulevard fronting the property may be used. The diameter of any branch shall not exceed six (6”) inches.
Branches must be placed in the boulevard before 7:00 am of the date of the scheduled pick up. Brush placed on the boulevard after this time may not be picked up. Brush should not be placed on the boulevard more than 72 hours in advance of the scheduled pick-up date.
In the event of a major storm event, a special collection of brush may take place. Residents are advised to call the Service Department to verify if a special collection will be taking place.
Branch piles shall be free of all foreign matter including but not limited to grass clippings, flowers, straw, lumber, wire or steel.
Piles of branches found to contain foreign material or stacked improperly will not be collected. Property owners will be notified in writing of the policy violation needing correcting. In most cases, a minimum of 24 hours will be provided to correct the problem.
The Village of Delta conducts curbside leaf pick-up for all residents of the Village of Delta beginning when the leaves begin falling around the first of October and continuing until all leaves are collected in late November or early December.
The department has a Bobcat S220 skid-steer loader that has a twenty-four (24) inch milling attachment, capable of milling six (6) inches deep. The department also has a sixty (60) inch broom attachment for sweeping up the grindings. When the patch has been prepared the employees use the Beuthling B200 2-ton roller to finish the asphalt patch.
If you have a request for street repair please call 419.822.4700.