This website is maintained by the Village of Delta, Ohio to provide public access to information about the Village of Delta. Our commitment is to continuously develop, update, and expand the site to the best of our abilities. We strive to present timely and accurate information and promptly correct any errors that may arise. While we make every effort to provide virus-free files, we cannot guarantee it in every case. The Village of Delta provides this service without any express or implied warranties, including warranties for information provided through or in connection with this service.
As the manager of this website, the Village of Delta has implemented various measures to ensure the security and integrity of our communications and computing infrastructure. These measures include authentication, monitoring, auditing, and encryption, which are integrated into our day-to-day practices as part of our commitment to risk management.
Please note that the information provided on this website should not be construed as business, legal, or any other form of advice. Additionally, we do not provide any warranty that the information is fail-proof.