Building & Zoning
The Village of Delta utilizes zoning as an important tool for efficient land use planning and to protect property values. The Zoning Department is responsible for current and long range land use planning and making sure that current land use is compatible with the zoning code. Zoning regulations are listed in Chapter 11 of the Village of Delta Codified Ordinances.
Applicants with non-conforming land use, construction of buildings and/or signs which exceed setback and/or size restrictions may apply for a variance to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Planning Commission
Building Permits
Planning Commission Roster
Andy Welch 419.822.4324
Term expires 12-31-2024
Rick McKibben 419.822.5511
Term expires 12/31/2025
Bill Vaughn – 419.822.5412
Term expires 12/31/2023
Floodplain Regulations
Floodplain maps are on file with the Floodplain Administrator, 401 Main Street, Delta, Ohio.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Pat Ogg – 419.270.5156
Term expires 01/01/2024
John Krauss – 419.822.3845
Term expires 01/01/2025
Brian Parsons – 419.408.1702
Term expires 01/01/2026
Tony Chiesa – 419.344.7191
Term expires 01/01/2027
Alison Babcock – 419.708.6118
Term expires 01/01/2025